PKS - Proper Kubernetes Cluster Creation and Handoff

Fri 24 April 2020

Note: This will be light on details. The exact commands to run, unfortunately, are an exercise left to the reader. This post is more of a tactical guideline to jog your memory. The author regrets the lack of detail.


Creating your k8s clusters is just the first step. How do you hand the cluster off to the right people so you don't have to worry about it anymore? How do you give them access while keeping others out?


The workflow, at a high level, as as follows:

  • Enable OIDC in the PKS-API server.
  • Create the requisite users (either directly in UAA or in LDAP if you're using the LDAP backend).
  • Create a Kubernetes cluster (this must be done after enabling OIDC).
  • Create the k8s role.yml and apply.
  • Create the k8s role-binding.yml and apply.
  • Have the k8s owner fetch credentials with pks get-kubeconfig.

Or in more human-friendly terms, the PKS admin creates the Kubernetes cluster, then creates roles and role bindings allowing the k8s admin to log into the cluster. Remember that the user who creates the cluster is initially the only user that can auth to the k8s cluster. Remember this when assembling your workflow.


Enable OIDC

This is done in Ops Manager. Navigate to the 'UAA' section and check the radio button to use UAA as the OIDC provider.

Ops Manager

You can keep the default values. If you know what you're doing, feel free to customize. These values will be important later, when creating the role-bindings.

Remember to "Apply Changes" to push the new configs out.


Create Users

Usually done with the uaac cli. Create two users:

  • A PKS admin, e.g. pks-admin
  • A k8s admin, e.g. k8s-admin

Give the PKS admin the pks.clusters.admin UAA role. You do not need to give the k8s admin any roles. They will auth via the role bindings later. However, if you'd like to allow them to list the k8s clusters available with the pks command, you can give them the role.

# Log into UAA on the PKS API server
# Use the password from the "Pks Uaa Management Admin Client" from Ops Manager
uaac target
uaac token client get admin –s <password> 

# Create users
uaac user add tkgi-admin --emails pks-admin -p password 
uaac user add k8s-admin --emails k8s-admin -p password 

# Assign Roles
uaac member add pks.clusters.admin tkgi-admin 
uaac member add k8s-admin 

By the way, remember the credentials. You'll need them later.

Log into PKS as the pks admin. For example:

pks login -u pks-admin -a


Create a Kubernetes Cluster

After logging in as the pks admin, create a cluster. For example:

pks create-cluster test-cluster --external-hostname --plan dev

Log into the newly-created cluster. Again, as the PKS Admin.

pks get-credentials test-cluster


Create the Role

Start with this:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: k8s-admin-role
- apiGroups: ["","extensions","apps","batch"]
  resources: ["pods","deployments","namespaces","jobs","configmaps"]
  verbs: ["get","list","watch","create","update","patch","delete"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["nodes"]
  verbs: ["get","list","watch"]

NOTE: The permissions here are just to allow the k8s admin to log in. You need to modify this role to allow them to do more actions (such as view/create services, etc).

Apply the role.

kubectl apply -f k8s-admin-role.yml


Create the Role-Binding

Now that the role has been created, bind that role to your k8s admin via the role binding.

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: k8s-admin-role-binding
- kind: User
  name: oidc:k8s-admin # k8s-admin should exist in UAA.
- kind: User
  name: oidc:another-k8s-admin # oidc: prefix is required here in the manifest and it comes from UAA section of the PKS tile
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: k8s-admin-role

The values in the sample yaml file above are from the default values in Ops Manager when we enabled OIDC. Again, if you know what you're doing, feel free to customize.

Apply the role-binding.

kubectl apply k8s-admin-role-binding.yml

After applying the rol-binding, your k8s admin should now be able to log in.


Kubernetes Admin Logs In

Every action we've taken (every command we've run) up to this point has been as the PKS Admin. We are now going to switch to being the Kubernetes Admin.

As the k8s admin, use the pks cli to auth to the PKS API and fetch a kubeconfig to allow us to auth to the k8s cluster and get to work.

pks get-kubeconfig test-cluster -a -u k8s-admin
<password prompt ensues>: *****************

Upon successful auth, the k8s admin should now be able to kick the tires with a kubectl get nodes. Remember, you need to modify the sample yml file above to allow the appropriate actions.



You now have a successful workflow for creating, and most importantly, handing off, Kubernetes clusters to your devops teams. Go make a nother cup of coffee. You still have more work to do.
