Invest in the Fundamentals

Mon 18 June 2018

If you want to be useful, learn a trade

In trying to keep up with the latest in technology and staying relevant, it's easy to forget that each one of these emerging technologies is built upon a bedrock of simple, reliable tools. Simple tools that you can learn, and then use everywhere you go because they'll never be obsolete.

For my case (and yours, if you're reading this), that means that the fundamentals include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • Bash
  • Vim
  • Bash
  • The Git command line
  • A proven, yet relevant programming language. Today, for me, that's Python. It may be different for you or for me ten years from now.
  • Linux troubleshooting toolsets (iostat, htop, dmesg, bash, etc).
  • Did I mention Bash?

The best part of this approach is that, when you're working with complex tools and doing really cool things, you can always fall back on these fundamental skills when the fancy shiny abstraction layers fail you (and they will fail you, it's their nature).

Double down on the basics. It's one of the few investments in this field with a guaranteed return.
